Getting Started is Quick and Easy.

Fill in the information below and we’ll get in touch with a quotation for your new lift.

“Of all the lifts that I looked at the Hurricane Lift is the best…it’s the sturdiest, the best made, and has great factory support. They had it ready when they said they would, installed it when they said it would, and it works just great in this narrow canal.” – David M.

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    Lift Options.

    Add any of the following options into the section above prior to submitting your request. If you’re not sure if an option is right for your specific application, we’d be pleased to provide further details. Just indicate your interest above.

    1. Hurricane Ultra-High-Speed Gears.

    This ultra-high-speed (UHS) gear comes in a sleek design. The UHS gear is fast, quiet, maintenance free, and will provide years of trouble-free service. The UHS gear is available in speeds up to 80-inches per minute depending upon the weight of the vessel. Comes with a five-year warranty.

    3. Aluminum Bunks.

    Long-lasting, maintenance-free, aluminum bunk boards with rubber pads and end caps.

    5. Annual Lift Maintenance and Service Agreement.

    • Quarterly 22-point inspection & maintenance visit performed by our highly trained service technicians.
    • Complimentary greasing of all fittings.
    • 10% off any lift part covered by the maintenance agreement.

    2. Deep-Groove Winders.

    The best cable management system to prevent cable spooling and overlap. Deep machined grooves help the cables remain in place even when there’s no tension on the cables. They help to prolong cable life and extend the time between cable replacement.

    4. Led Lighting

    LED Light Kit lights up your lift for easier docking in low-light conditions and is operated from the lift remote control.

    6. Liftlocktm Theft Protection System.

    This is Hurricane Boat Lifts’ proprietary device that helps prevent your boat from being stolen. This device works with all elevator-style boat lifts.

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